
BJU General Price List 和睦家医院价格表
NO. 编号 Service Name Charging Standard  收费标准 Code 编码 Price Unit 单位 Content Description (Item Connotation & Excluded Content)
Evaluation & Management 诊疗费
Outpatient Service E&M
1 Outpatient Service New 1,135-1,840 99203-99205  次 Includes history, examination, medical decision making, counseling, coordination of care, nature of presenting problem.
2 Outpatient Service Established 830-1,430 99213-99215  次
3 Outpatient Specialist Consultation 1,935-2,840 99243-99245  次
4 Office Visit for Urgent Care 1,450-2,880 9949913-9949915  次
ER Service E&M
ER Service 1,860-3,920 99283/01-99285/01
Hospital Observation&Same Day Service
Low Severity-High Severity 1,515-2,670 99234-99236  天
Inpatient Service E&M
1 Inpatient Service 910-2,010 99221-99223
2 Inpatient Specialist Consultation Initial 1,090-3,045 99251-99255  次
3 Critical Care 4,620-7,035 99291-99292
4 Newborn Care 1,600-1,820 99431-99436
5 Newborn Critical Care (Initial Day) 9,660 99468
6 Newborn Critical Care (Subsequent Day) 5,250 99469
Laboratory 检验费用
1 CBC 285 85025 Includes total white blood cell count, automated instrument differentital count for WBC (absolutely count and percentage), red blood cell count, hemoglobin, haemotocrit, erythrocyte mean corpuscular volume, erythrocyte mean corpuscular hemoglobin, erythrocyte mean cell hemoglobin concentration, red blood cell distribution width, platelet count, mean platelet volume and manual differential count for positive screen test item. Excludes manual differential count for negative screen test item.
2 CRP 180 86140 Includes C-reaction protein quantitative test.
3 ESR 110 85652 Includes erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
4 ABO&RH 435 869002 Includes ABO system: testing patient’s RBCs with reagent anti-A and anti-B, and also the reverse grouping added. RH system:  testing RBCs with anti-Rh (D). Excluded content: other blood type system.
5 Glucose, Fasting 140 8294701 Includes blood glucose quantitative test.
6 Uric Acid 155 84550 Includes blood uric acid quantitative test.
7 Cholesterol 110 82465 Includes blood cholesterol quantitative test.
8 Triglycerides 155 84478 Includes blood triglyceride quantitative test.
9 PT/APTT 340 SRPNL34 Includes blood prothrombin test/INR/Activated partial thromboplastin time test.
10 Liver Function Test (T – Bil, D – Bil, ALkP, AST, ALT, GGT, TP, ALB) 1,295 PNL09 Includes total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate transaminase, alanine aminotransferase, gamma–glutamyltransferase, total protein and albumin quantitative test.
11 Hepatitis B Panel Test (HBsAg, HBeAg, Anti-HBs, Anti-Hbe, Anti-HBcT, Anti-HBc IgM) 2,045 PNL05 Includes hepatitis B surface antigen qualatative test, hepatitis B E antigen qualatative test, hepatitis B surface antibody quantitative test, Hepatitis B E antibody qualatative test,hepatitis B Core Antibody Total qualatative test, hepatitis B core antibody IgM qualatative test.
12 Thyroid Function (TSH, T3, T4, FT4, FT3) 1,935 PNL12 Includes thyroid stimulating hormone, tri-iodothyronine, thyroxine, free tri-iodothyronine and free thyroxine quantitative test.
1 Urinalysis 150 81001 Includes urine specific gravity, urine PH, urine white blood cell, urine nitrite, urine protein, urine glucose, urine ketone, urine urobilinogen, urine billirubin and urine red blood cell/hemoglobin, qualitative and quantitative test. For screen positive result for urine white blood cell, urine nitrite, urine protein and urine red blood cell/hemoglobin, a free manual microscopy test for urine sediment will be added. Excludes manual differential count for negative screen test item.
2 Protein, 24hr Urine 290 8415602 Includes 24 hours urine volume count, urine protein quantitative test and 24 hours urine protein quantitative test.
3 Creatinine, Urine 245 8257001 Includes urine creatinine quantitative test.
4 Urine Pregnancy Test, Urine HCG 110 81025 Includes urine human chorionic gonadotropin pregnancy qualitative test.
1 Routine 140 89055 Includes stool color, appearance, white blood cells, red blood cells and other abnormal findings.
2 Occult Blood 180 8227402 Includes stool occult blood qualitative test.
3 Ova&Parasites 235 87177 Includes parasitology examination for known species.
4 Rotavirus Ag 345 87425 Includes group A Rotavirus antigen screen qualitative test.
Hospital Nursing Service 护理费用
1 Outpatient Nursing Care 115-440 ONUR1-ONUR4 Includes outpatient nursing care.
2 Inpatient Nursing Care 210-370 INUR1/INUR2/INUR8 小时 Includes inpatient one to one or one to two nursing care.
3 Injection (Subcutaneous/Intramuscular) 150 96372 Includes therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection (specify substance or drug); subcutaneous or intramuscular.
4 Venipuncture by Nurse 150 36415 Includes obtaining a sample of blood through venipuncture.
5 IV Infusion Per Hour 705 96365 小时 Includes intravenous infusion, for therapy, prophylaxis, or diagnosis (specify substance or drug), excludes medical consumables and pharmacy.
6 Blood Transfusion 1,770 36430 Includes transfusion, blood or blood components, excluding medical consumables.
7 Cardiac Monitoring Per Hour 185 9323501 小时 Includes continuous monitoring cardiac’s electrical activity per hour.
8 Temporary Catheter Urethral 1,020 51702 Includes insertion of temporary indwelling bladder catheter; simple, excluding medical consumables.
9 Electrocardiograph (ECG) 635 93000 Includes routine ECG with at least 12 leads; with interpretation and report.
10 Nebulizer Inhalation Treatment 340 94640 Includes nebulizer treatment, which is to add moisture to the respiratory system through nebulization improves clearance of pulmonary secretions.
11 Simple Dressing 230 SDRES2 Includes simple dressing.
Room Charge 病房费用
1 Private Room Charge 6,890  PRIVT Includes private room accomodation,  meal, non-chargeable medical consumables, general nursing care, etc.
2 Executive Suite 12,890-18,890 VIPSCL1-VIPSCL3 Includes executive suite room accomodation, meal, non-chargeable medical consumables, general nursing care, etc.
3 NICU/ICU 16,895-22,825 NICUR/ICURM Includes ICU/NICU accomodation, meal, non-chargeable medical consumables, general nursing care, etc.
Diagnostic Imaging 影像检查费用
1 Radiography 515-4,750 70030-77077 Includes X-ray of one body part, data processing, diagnosis reporting, film printing or disc recording. Excludes disposable supplies pharmacy.
2 DXA Bone Density 2,195-3,545 77080-77081 Includes bone density of body, data processing, diagnosis reporting, film printing or disc recording.
3 Ultrasound 600-4,465 76536-76999 Includes exam fee, diagnosis fee and supplies.
4 CT Scan 6,875-15,550 70450-76380 Includes CT scanning of one body part, data processing, diagnosis reporting, film printing or disc recording. Excludes disposable supplies pharmacy.
5 MRI Scan 10,045-15,525 70336-77059 Includes MR scanning of one body part, data processing, diagnosis reporting, film printing or disc recording. Excludes disposable supplies pharmacy.
General Package Service 常用套餐服务费用
1 Early Pregnancy Checkup Package 2,380 Includes 1 time physician service, ultrasound, lab tests.
2 Prenatal Care Package (GA12-40Weeks) 20,800 Includes 13 progressions: physician service, ultrasound, lab tests, anesthesiologist consultation.
3 Normal Delivery Customized Package 66,000 Includes physician/certified midwife service, nursing care, labor and delivery equipment and disposable supplies(as required), medications(as required), routine lab tests, private suite for up to 24 hours of labor and delivery plus 2 postpartum nights(including all meals).
4 Cesarean Section Customized Delivery Package 88,000 Includes physician/certified midwife service, nursing care, labor and delivery equipment and disposable supplies(as required), epidural anesthesia, medications(as required), routine lab tests, private suite for 3 postpartum nights (including all meals).
5 VBAC Customized Package 88,000 Includes physician/certified midwife service, nursing care, labor and delivery equipment and disposable supplies(as required), epidural anesthesia, medications(as required), routine lab tests, private suite for up to 24 hours of labor and delivery plus 2 postpartum nights(including all meals).
6 Peds – Child Health Checkup Package (5 or 10 Times) 4,480/7,980 Includes 5 or 10 progressions: collect present and past medical history, family history, information on allergies; evaluation of growth and development, physical examination, nutrition and health consultation, immunization update.
7 Family Medicine Health Checkup Package – Basic 1,650 Includes 2 times physician services,  ECG, peak expiratory flow rate(PEER), fasting blood sugar, blood lipid profile, liver function tests(ALT,GGT), creatinine, CBC, urinalysis.
8 Family Medicine Health Checkup Package – Standard 4,500-4,625 Includes 2 times physician services,  ECG, peak expiratory flow rate(PEER), vision test, fasting blood sugar, blood lipid profile, liver function tests(ALT,GGT), creatinine, hepatitis B test,  cervical smear, CBC, urinalysis, chest X-ray.
9 Family Medicine Health Checkup Package – Comprehensive 9,888-14,888 Includes 2 times physician services, Integrative medicine evaluation, cardiovascular system evaluation, Spirometry, vision test, diabetes screening, blood lipid profile, liver function tests, kidney function test, hepatitis immunity profile, HIV test, thyroid function screening, cancer screening, other blood test, urinalysis , H Pylori Ag(stool), radiology.
UFH price system is in accordance with the standard CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) coding system. The prices are subject to revision without notice on yearly basis. As a for profit hospital, we file our prices at the Health Bureau. For questions or enquires please contact with or call 010 5927-7350.
北京和睦家医院的收费系统是基于国际通用的CPT代码收费制度制定的,价格变动我们将直接更新我们的价格表,作为一家营利性医院,我们已将各项收费在卫生局备案。如有疑问请联系 或电话到 010 5927-7350.
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