Chair of the Center for Family Medicine and Integrative Health Care, Family Medicine Physician
Dr. Changizi is licensed with the Medical Council of Canada and is board-certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada, a member of the Quebec Medical Association. He is a frequent invited lecturer at Peking University and Tsinghua University, addressing issues on medical ethics, work/life balance, substance abuse, and gender equality.
Dr. Changizi has more than 20 years of experience in the fields of Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, and Public Health. He has participated in international medical disaster relief activities in China and Latin America and is an active United Nations physician and consultant on pandemic outbreaks. For more than ten years, Dr. Changizi served as Chair of the United Family Healthcare Department of Infection Control. Currently, he is the Chair of Beijing United Family Hospital’s Center for Family Medicine and Integrative Healthcare.
He co-authored a chapter for the China CDC’s 2018 Travel Yellow Book.
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